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Domestic Conferences 


[103] 윤선호; 배성준 산업 고형 폐기물을 이용한 수중 오염물 제거용 정화소재의 합성 방안 연구. KSEE 2024 Fall Conference, Yeosu Expo, Korea, November 6-8, 2024.

[102] 최민희; 배성준 천연제올라이트 기반 나노영가철(nZVI) 복합소재의 안정성 및 반응성 향상과 토양/지하수 복원소재로서의 적용 가능성 연구. KSEE 2024 Fall Conference, Yeosu Expo, Korea, November 6-8, 2024.

[101] 이정호; 김지율; 박기영; 주지봉; 배성준 석탄 비산재로부터 합성된 제올라이트를 이용한 암모니아 가스 흡착 연구. KSEE 2024 Fall Conference, Yeosu Expo, Korea, November 6-8, 2024.

[101] P. Anil Kumar Reddy; 이채은; 배성준 Sustainable recycling of Red mud: Extraction of iron and its application in synthesis of ZnLn2S4@FeC2O4 heterojunction photocatalyst for enhanced hydrogen production. KSEE 2024 Fall Conference, Yeosu Expo, Korea, November 6-8, 2024.

International Conferences                            

[77] Bae, S. (Invited speaker) Synthesis of novel remedial materials from solid wastes and their uses for removal of contaminant in wastewater. GCIM 2024 & IUMRS-ICYRAM 2024 & MRS-K Spring Meeting, Jeju, Korea, June 8-12, 2024.

[76] Wu, D.; Bae, S. Investigating Sample Preparation and Measurement Conditions for Microplastics Analysis Using Pyrolysis Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry. GCIM 2024 & IUMRS-ICYRAM 2024 & MRS-K Spring Meeting, Jeju, Korea, June 8-12, 2024.

[75] Yoon, S.; Bae, S. Synthesis of Al and Fe-based Metal-Organic Frameworks Using Sequential Acid Leachate from Red Mud. GCIM 2024 & IUMRS-ICYRAM 2024 & MRS-K Spring Meeting, Jeju, Korea, June 8-12, 2024.

[74] Choi, M.; Reddy, A. K.; Bae, S. Synthesis of nZVI supported by alkali pre-treated natural zeolite as an effective 
engineered material of in-situ remediation systems: investigation of iron nanoparticles encapsulation phenomenon. GCIM 2024 & IUMRS-ICYRAM 2024 & MRS-K Spring Meeting, Jeju, Korea, June 8
-12, 2024.

[73] Lee, J.; Kim, J.; Joo, J. B.; Bae, S. Ammonia gas adsorption by using Na and K based zeolite derived from coal fly ash. GCIM 2024 & IUMRS-ICYRAM 2024 & MRS-K Spring Meeting, Jeju, Korea, June 8-12, 2024.

[72] Choi, M.; Bae, S. Evaluation of In-situ flow through Cr(VI) remediation in simulated porous media using alkaline pre-treated natural zeolite-based nZVI material. The 29th Thailand-Korea Conference on Environmental Engineering, Kangchon, April 18-19, 2024.

[71] Lee, J.; Kim, J.; Joo, J.B.; Bae, S. A research on the adsorption of ammonia gas adsorption to zeolite synthesized from coal fly ash. The 29th Thailand-Korea Conference on Environmental Engineering, Kangchon, April 18-19, 2024.

[70] Yoon, H.Yoon, S.Bae, S. Adsorption of heavy metal and oxidation of organic pollutant by using sulfur-modified NZVI@Biochar composite. The 29th Thailand-Korea Conference on Environmental Engineering, Kangchon, April 18-19, 2024.[67] Yoon, S.Bae, S. PFOA adsorption by Al-based MOF synthesized from red mud. IWA SWSM conference, Bangkok, Thailland, December 13-16, 2023.

[69] Bae, S. (JSWE-IDEA Award)  Upcycing of soild wastes and their use for removal of contaminant in wastewater, The 58th annual conference of Japan Society on Water Environment, Kyushu University Ito Campus, Japan, March 6-8, 2024.

[68] Lee, J.; Kim, J.; Joo, J. B.; Bae, S. Ammonia gas adsorption by using Na and K based zeolite derived from coal fly ash. 3rd CMEE symposium, Da Nang, Vietanm, Febraury 21-24, 2023.

[67] Yoon, S.Bae, S. PFOA adsorption by Al-based MOF synthesized from red mud. IWA SWSM conference, Bangkok, Thailland, December 13-16, 2023.

[66Yoon, H.; Bae, S. Evaluation of adsorption performance of heavy metals using biochar: Effect of feedstock and pyrolysis conditions. ACS Fall National Meeting & Exposition, San Francisco, USA, Agust 13-17, 2023.

[65] Choi, M.; Bae, S. Removal of hexavalent chromium by nZVI doped alkali pre-treated natural zeolite and its application in porous media: alkaline pre-treatment effect on reactivity, dispersibility, and mobility. ACS Fall National Meeting & Exposition, San Francisco, USA, Agust 13-17, 2023.

[64] Lee, J.; Bae, S. Ammonia gas adsorption by using Zeolite derived from coal fly ash. ACS Fall National Meeting & Exposition, San Francisco, USA, Agust 13-17, 2023.

[63] Yoon, S.Bae, S. Synthesis of alumina-based metal-organic framework using red mud acid leachate and its applications PFOA adsorbent. ACS Fall National Meeting & Exposition, San Francisco, USA, Agust 13-17, 2023.

[62Bae, S. (Kyenote speaker)  Oxidative degradation of micropollutants by various Fe-induced advanced oxidation processes (AOPs), 12th International Conference on Environmental Engineering, Science and Management, Jomtien Palm Beach Hotel & Resort, Pattaya, Thailand, May 17-18, 2023.

[61Bae, S. Synthesis of magnetic α-NiMoO4/ZnFe2O4/biochar and study of ketoprofen decomposition through photocatalytic reaction, SETAC EUROPE 33RD ANNUAL MEETING, Dublin, Ireland, April 30-May 4, 2023.

[60Yoon, S.; Ray, S. K.Bae, S. Photocatalytic removal of ketoprofen by α-NiMoO4/ZnFe2O4/coffee biochar, The 60th KIChE Fall Meeting & International Symposium, Busan, Korea, October 26-29, 2022.

[59] Choi, M.;  Bae, S. Removal of hexavalent chromium by Fe(0) doped alkali pre-treated zeolite, The 60th KIChE Fall Meeting & International Symposium, Busan, Korea, October 26-29, 2022.

[58] Reddy, A. K.;  Bae, S.  Effect of natural zeolite induced natural organic matter on catalyticproperties of Ni,Fe@Natural zeolite for dechlorination of trichloroethylene, The 60th KIChE Fall Meeting & International Symposium, Busan, Korea, October 26-29, 2022.

[57Choi, M.;  Bae, S. Removal of hexavalent chromium by Fe doped zeolite, The 2022 World Congress on Advances in Civil, Environmental, and Materials Research (ACEM'22), Seoul, Korea, August 16-19, 2022.

[56] Jung, J.;  Bae, S. Removal of phosphorus by Fe leaching solution from various Fe containing minerals, The 2022 World Congress on Advances in Civil, Environmental, and Materials Research (ACEM'22), Seoul, Korea, August 16-19, 2022.

[55Bae, S. Use of solid wastes in environmental remediation technologies. Surface Redox Reactions: Applications and Recent Advances SURF2R, Rennes, France, July 11-13, 2022

[54Reddy, A. K.;  Bae, S. Role of NOMs on catalytic reduction of TCE by Fe/Ni/natural zeolite. Surface Redox Reactions: Applications and Recent Advances SURF2R, Rennes, France, July 11-13, 2022

[53Ray, S. K.;  Bae, S. ZnFe2O4 ultra-small nanospheres decorated α-NiMoO4 nanorods on coffee biochar. Surface Redox Reactions: Applications and Recent Advances SURF2R, Rennes, France, July 11-13, 2022

[52Bae, S. Upcycling of solid wastes for wastewater treatment, The 2020 World Congress on Advances in Civil, Environmental, and Materials Research (ACEM'20), Seoul, Korea, August 26-28, 2020.

[51] Bae, S. NZVI chemistry in aquatic environments. IEEC&BWR 2019 International Conference, Busan BEXCO, Korea, December 10-13, 2019.

[50] Bae, S.Yoon, S. Upcycling of steel slag as magnetically separable Cu catalyst. Cleanup Korea 2019 International Conference, EL Tower, Seoul, Korea, December 5-6, 2019.

[49] Kim, J.; Bae, S. Visible light induced photocatalysis by red mud with peroxides. BEEM 2019 International Conference, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, June 12-15, 2019.

[48Choi, M.; Bae, S. Selective nitrate reduction by In-Pd bimetallic catalysts supported by kaolinite induced zeolites. BEEM 2019 International Conference, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, June 12-15, 2019.

[47Yoon, S.; Bae, S. Removal of Cr (VI) by ascorbic acid coated magnetite. BEEM 2019 International Conference, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, June 12-15, 2019.

[46] Bae, S.; Park, J.; Yoon, S.; Kim, M.; Park, S.; Kim, H; Development of novel environmental materials by using coal fly ash, International Conference on Applications of Multi-scale Approaches in Environmental Chemistry (AMARE'19), Rennes, France, April 23-25, 2019.

[45Kim, J.; Park, S.; Kim, H; Bae, S. Effect of operation parameters on removal of Cu and Ni by electrowinning, The 2018 World Congress on Advances in Civil, Environmental, and Materials Research (ACEM'18), Songdo, Incheon, Korea, August 28-31, 2018.

[44Bae, S.; K. Hanna. Catalytic reduction of p-nitrophenol by magnetite in the presence of NaBH4. The 256th ACS National Meeting & Exposition, Boston, USA, August 19-23, 2018.

[43Yoon, S.; Kim, Han S.; Bae, S. Novel synthesis method for nanoscale zerovalent iron from coal fly ash and its application as an environmental catalyst, The 256th ACS National Meeting & Exposition, Boston, USA, August 19-23, 2018.

[42Bae, S.; Lee, W. Enhanced dechlorination of carbon tetrachloride in nontronite suspension with Shewanella putrefaciens, The 256th ACS National Meeting & Exposition, Boston, USA, August 19-23, 2018.

[41Park, J.; Bae, S. Synthesis of magnetically separable Pd catalyst using iron-rich fly ash/silica/alumina composite. CLEAR2018  International Conference, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, August 16-18, 2018.

[40Yoon, S.; Bae, S. Novel synthesis method for nanoscale zerovalent iron from coal fly ash. BEEM 2018 International Conference, Daemyung Resort, Hongcheon, Korea, June 10-13, 2018.

[39Park, J.; Bae, S. Cu/Fly ash heterostructures for enhanced catalytic reduction of p-nitrophenol as recyclable catalyst. BEEM 2018 International Conference, Daemyung Resort, Hongcheon, Korea, June 10-13, 2018.

[38Bae, S.; Kim, J. R.; Lee, W. PVP stabilized NZVI-metal nanoparticles for complete TCE reduction,  2018  MRS Spring Meeting & Exhibit, Phoenix, Arizona, USA, April 2-6, 2018.

[37Kim, M.S.; Bae, S. Immobilization of zero valent iron on NaOH treated coal fly ash for reduction of p-nitrophenol. IEEC 2017 International Conference, JEJU ICC, Korea, November 15-17, 2017.

[36Bae, S.; K. Hanna. Effect of NaBH4 on catalytic reduction of p-nitrophenol by nanoscale zerovalent iron. The 253th ACS National Meeting & Exposition, San Francisco, USA, April 2-6, 2017.

[35Lee, Y.; Bae, S.; Lee, W. Electro potential and current generation by microbial fuel cell. The 248th ACS National Meeting & Exposition, San Francisco, USA, August 10-14, 2014.

[34Lee, Y.; Bae, S.; Lee, W. Effect of electron transfer mediators on the current generation by Shewanella putrefaciens CN32. The 23rd Joint KKNN Symposium on Environmental Engineering, Kyoto, Japan, July 3-4, 2014.

[33Lee, N.; Jeon, K; Bae, S.; Kim, H.; Lee, W. Experimental and theoretical study on the reductive degradation of carbon tetrachloride by vivianite. The 23rd Joint KKNN Symposium on Environmental Engineering, Kyoto, Japan, July 3-4, 2014.

[32Lee, Y.; Bae, S.; Lee, W. Effect of electron transfer mediators on the current generation of microbial fuel cell by Shewanella putrefaciens CN32, 2014 Gordon Research Conference, Plymouth, New Hampshire, USA, June 22-27, 2014.

[31Lee, N.; Jeon, K.; Bae, S.; Kim, H.; Lee, W. Quantum calculation on the reductive degradation of carbon tetrachloride by vivianite. 2014 Goldschmidt, Sacramento, California, USA, June 8-13, 2014.

[30Jeon, K.; Lee, N.; Bae, S.; Lee, W.; Kim, H. Experimental and Theoretical Study on the Dechlorination Mechanism of Chlorinated Organic Pollutants on the Vivianite Iron Oxide Surface. 2014 MRS Spring Meeting & Exhibit, San Francisco, California, USA, April 21-25, 2014.

[29] Hamid, S.; Jung, S.; Bae, S.; Lee, W. Enhancing the catalytic nitrate removal by NZVI/Pd/Cu composite in a continuous flow system. KoSSGE-ISEG 2014 International Conference, Seoul, Korea, April 28-30, 2014.

[28Lee, Y.; Bae, S.; Lee, W. Effect of electron trasnfer mediator on the potential development by Shewanella putrefaciens CN32 using MFC. KoSSGE-ISEG 2014 International Conference, Seoul, Korea, April 28-30, 2014.

[27Jung, S.; Shin, H.; Bae, S.; Kim, H.; Lee, W. Mechanism study of nitrite reduction on Pd surface using quantum chemical calculation. The 247th ACS National Meeting & Exposition, Dallas, Texas, USA, March 16-20, 2014.

[26Lee. Y.; Bae. S.; Kwon. M.; Lee, W. Product analysis during reductive degradation of RDX by lepidocrocite and iron reducing bacteria with riboflavin. The 246th ACS National Meeting & Exposition, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA, September 8-12, 2013.

[25Lee. N.; Bae. S.; Lee, W. Reductive degradation of tetrachloroethylene by chemogenic and biogenic green rust. The 246th ACS National Meeting & Exposition, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA, September 8-12, 2013.

[24Bae. S.; Jung. J.; Lee, W. Effect of pH and organic buffer on catalytic nitrate reduction by TiO2/Cu/Pd catalyst. The 246th ACS National Meeting & Exposition, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA, September 8-12, 2013.

[23Jung. S.; Bae. S.; Lee, W. Selective nitrate reduction by Cu-Pd/Hematite catalyst. The 246th ACS National Meeting & Exposition, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA, September 8-12, 2013.

[22Jung, S.; Bae, S.; Lee, W. Optimization of nitrogen gas selectivity in catalytic nitrate reduction by Pd-Cu/Hematite. The 22nd Joint KKNN Symposium on Environmental Engineering, Seoul, Korea, July 2-3, 2013.

[21Lee, Y.; Bae, S.; Lee, W. Reductive degradation of RDX at military shooting range using SMART catalyst. The 22nd Joint KKNN Symposium on Environmental Engineering, Seoul, Korea, July 2-3, 2013. 

[20Bae, S.; Lee, W. Effect of riboflavin on the reductive degradation of carbon tetrachloride by nanoscale zero-valent iron. The 245th ACS National Meeting & Exposition, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, April 7-11, 2013.

[19Jung. S.; Bae, S.; Lee. W. Reduction of nitrate using Pd-Cu catalysts supported by hematite. The 245th ACS National Meeting & Exposition, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, April 7-11, 2013.

[18Cho, C.; Bae, S.; Lee, W. Degradation of RDX by bio-reduced lepidocrocite and soil. The 245th ACS National Meeting & Exposition, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, April 7-11, 2013.

[17Cho. C.; Bae. S.; Lee, W. Enhanced degradation of RDX by Shewanella putrefaciens CN32 and iron-bearing soil minerals. The 2012 World Congress on Advances in Civil, Environmental, and Materials Research (ACEM'12), Seoul, Korea, August 26-30, 2012.

[16Bae, S.; Kim. D.; Lee, W. Oxidative degradation of pharmaceutical by Fenton-like reaction using pyrite and H2O2. The 244th ACS National Meeting & Exposition, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, August 19-23, 2012.

[15Cho. C.; Bae. S.; Lee, W. Degradation of TNT and RDX by bioreduced iron-bearing soil minerals. The 244th ACS National Meeting & Exposition, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, August 19-23, 2012.

[14Bae, S.; Lee, W. Mineral transformation of iron hydroxide in the presence of Shewanella bacteria and flavins. The 21st KKNN Symposium on Environmental Engineering, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, July 13-14, 2012.

[13Jung, J.; Bae, S.; Lee, W. Evaluation of maghemite as a support for bimetallic catalyst in catalytic nitrate reduction. The 243rd ACS National Meeting & Exposition, San Diego, California, USA, March 25-29, 2012.

[12Bae, S.; Mannan, M. B.; Lee, W. Adsorption of cationic cetylpyridinium chloride by pyrite. The 243rd ACS National Meeting & Exposition, San Diego, California, USA, March 25-29, 2012.

[11Bae, S.; Jung, J.; Lee, W. The effect of electron transfer mediators on the biotransformation of lepidocrocite, The 242nd ACS National Meeting & Exposition, Denver, Colorado, USA, 1, August 28 – September 1, 2011.

[10Jung, J.; Bae, S.; Lee, W. Indirect contact Bio-transformation of lepidocrocite and the role of electron transfer mediator, The 20th Join KKNN Symposium on Environmental Engineering, Nantou, Taiwan, June 27-30, 2011.

[09Bae, S.; Song, S.; Kim, D.; Lee, W. Degradation of diclofenac by pyrite Fenton system, The 20th Join KKNN Symposium on Environmental Engineering, Nantou, Taiwan, June 27-30, 2011.

[08Bae, S.; Lee, W. Reductive dechlorination of chlorinated organics by iron-bearing soil minerals in the presence of Shewanella putrefaciens CN32, The 241st ACS National Meeting & Exposition, Anaheim, USA, March 27-31, 2011.

[07Bae, S.; Lee, W. Mineral transformation by Shewanella putrefaciens CN32 and its application for reductive dechlorination of carbon tetrachloride, PacifiChem 2010, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, December 15-20, 2010.

[06Lee, Y; Bae, S.; Lee, W. Reductive dechlorination of carbon tetrachloride in modified Fenton reaction by Fe(II) chelated with cross-linked chitosan, The 240th ACS National Meeting & Exposition, Boston, USA, August 22-26, 2010.

[05Lee, Y., Bae S.; Lee, W. Dechlorination of trichloroethylene in modified Fenton reaction by Fe(II) chelated with cross-linked chitosan, The 19th Join KKNN Symposium on Environmental Engineering, Kyoto, Japan, June 27-30, 2010.

[04Bae, S.; Lee, W. Inhibition of nZVI reactivity by magnetite on reductive degradation of 1,1,1-trichloroethane, The 238th ACS National Meeting & Exposition, Washington DC, USA, August 16-20, 2009.

[03Bae, S.; Lee, W. Enhanced dechlorination of 1,1,1-trichloroethane by interaction between Shewanella and magnetite, SETAC Europe annual meeting, Seville, Spain, May 23-27, 2010.

[02Bae, S.; Lee, W.  Inhibition of nZVI reactivity by magnetite (Fe3O4), American Geophysical Union: 2008 Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, December 15-19, 2008.

[01Bae, S.; Lee, W. Enhancement and inhibition of 1,1,1-trichloroethane reductive degradation by nZVI and Shewanella putrefaciens on magnetite surface, 17th Joint KKNN (Kyoto University-KAIST–National Taiwan University-National University of Singapore) Symposium on Environmental Engineering, Batam, Indonesia, June 22-25, 2008.


[100] 윤한울; 윤선호; 이수민; 배성준 철 및 황 개질 바이오차의 중금속 흡착 및 유기오염물질 산화로의 적용. KSEE 2024 Fall Conference, Yeosu Expo, Korea, November 6-8, 2024.

[99] Wu Duanyang; 배성준 Optimization of synthesis methods for chemically active filaments in fused deposition modeling 3D printing. KSEE 2024 Fall Conference, Yeosu Expo, Korea, November 6-8, 2024.

[98] Tanvir Malik; P. Anil Kumar Reddy; 이채은; 배성준 Enhanced photocatalytic degradation of methylene blue using red mud-derived titanium & iron enriched zeolite. KSEE 2024 Fall Conference, Yeosu Expo, Korea, November 6-8, 2024.

[97] Putri Albayyinah; 윤선호; 배성준 Enhanced catalytic activity of red mud-derived mesoporous silica-supported palladium for p-nitrophenol reduction. KSEE 2024 Fall Conference, Yeosu Expo, Korea, November 6-8, 2024.

[96] ​Wu Duanyang; 배성준 Optimization of Synthesis Methods for Producing Porous and Chemically Active Polymer-Zeolite Filaments in 3D Printing. 2024 Foreign Environmental Researcher's Fair, Seoul Konkuk Univerisity, Korea, August 29, 2024. 

[95] ​Putri Albayyinah; 윤선호; 배성준 Synthesis of Mesoporous Silica from Red Mud supported Palladium as Catalyst for the Reduction of p-Nitrophenol. 2024 Foreign Environmental Researcher's Fair, Seoul Konkuk Univerisity, Korea, August 29, 2024. 

[94] ​Tanvir MalikP. Anil Kumar Reddy; 배성준 Efficient Synthesis of Titanium and Iron-Enriched Zeolite from Red Mud for Photo degradation of Methylene Blue. 2024 Foreign Environmental Researcher's Fair, Seoul Konkuk Univerisity, Korea, August 29, 2024. 

[93] P. Anil Kumar Reddy; ​Tanvir Malik; 배성준 Accelerated charge transfer by the highly localized electronic states in P-doped CoS2 for activated solar hydrogen production. KSEE 2023 Fall Conference, Pusan BEXCO, Korea, November 1-3, 2023. 

[92] 윤선호; 배성준 레드머드 내 알루미늄을 이용한 금속 유기 골격체 (Meta-organic framework)의 합성 및 이를 이용한 PFOA의 제거. KSEE 2023 Fall Conference, Pusan BEXCO, Korea, November 1-3, 2023. 

[91] 이정호; 김지율; 주지봉; 배성준 자성에 따라 분리된 석탄 비산재를 이용한 제올라이트 합성 개발 및 
암모니아 가스 흡착 연구. KSEE
 2023 Fall Conference, Pusan BEXCO, Korea, November 1-3, 2023. 

[90] 최민희; Wu Duanyang; 배성준 알칼리 처리된 천연제올라이트가 표면 nZVI 형성에 미치는 영향 및 토양/지하수 오염물질 정화를 위한 적용 가능성 연구. KSEE 2023 Fall Conference, Pusan BEXCO, Korea, November 1-3, 2023. 

[89] 배성준 미량오염물질의 산화분해를 위한 철 소재 기반의 다양한 고도산화처리 기술 개발. KSCE 2023 Fall conference, Yeosu EXPO convention center, Yeosu, Korea, October 18-20, 2023.

[88] 배성준; 최민희; 윤선호; P. Anil Kumar Reddy; 이정호; 윤한울 Si-Al 천연광물 기반 친환경-고분산 지중오염 복원소재 대량생산 기술 개발​. KOSSGE 2023 Fall conference, St. John's hotel, Gangeung, Korea, October 11-13, 2023.

[87] 최민희; 배성준 알칼리 전처리가 천연제올라이트를 이용한 지중정화소재 합성 시 미치는 영향 연구. KOSSGE 2023 Fall conference, St. John's hotel, Gangeung, Korea, October 11-13, 2023.

[86] 배성준 수 환경에서의 나노영가철의 표면산화 기작. KOSSGE 2023Spring conference, Nongsim hotel, Busan, Korea, April 13-14, 2023.

[85윤선호; 배성준 Synthesis of ascorbic acid modifed biochar and its application to removal hexavalent chromium, KCS 2023 Winter Symposium, Division of Environmental & Energy, Hongchen, Korea, February 8-10, 2023.

[84정주은; 배성준 Hexavalent chromium (Cr(VI)) removal using nano-zerovalent-iron supported by nonmagnetic olivine (NZVI@NMO), KCS 2023 Winter Symposium, Division of Environmental & Energy, Hongchen, Korea, February 8-10, 2023.

[83이정호; 배성준 Research on the synthesis of zeolite recycled from coal fly ash of power plant and the gas adsorption using it, KCS 2023 Winter Symposium, Division of Environmental & Energy, Hongchen, Korea, February 8-10, 2023.

[82] Reddy, A. K. P.; 배성준 Noble metal-free dual cocatalysts for improved H2 production from water splitting under solar irradiation. KSEE 2022 Fall Conference, Jeju Shinwha World, Korea, November 8-11, 2022. 

[81] Yeskendir, A.; 배성준; 이우진 Catalytic reduction of aqueous bromate by ZIF-Co/Zn in the presence of NaBH4. KSEE 2022 Fall Conference, Jeju Shinwha World, Korea, November 8-11, 2022. 

[80] Absalyamova, M.; 배성준; 이우진 Enhanced aqueous nitrate reduction by Sn-Pd bimetallic catalyst supported on ZIF-8-derived nanocarbon. KSEE 2022 Fall Conference, Jeju Shinwha World, Korea, November 8-11, 2022. 

[79] 윤선호; 배성준 비타민이 결합 된 커피 찌꺼기 바이오차의 합성 및 이를 이용한 용존 6가 크롬의 제거, Jeju Shinwha World, Korea, November 8-11, 2022. 

[78] 윤선호; Ray, S. K.; 배성준 자성을 띄는 Z-scheme α-NiMoO4/ZnFe2O4/바이오차의 합성 및 광촉매 반응을 통한 케토프로펜 분해 연구. KSEE 2022 Fall Conference, Jeju Shinwha World, Korea, November 8-11, 2022. 

[77] 최민희; 배성준 Fe(0) 도핑된 알칼리 전처리 천연제올라이트에 의한 6가 크롬 제거연구. KSEE 2022 Fall Conference, Jeju Shinwha World, Korea, November 8-11, 2022. 

[76] 정주은; 배성준 Removal of hexavalent chromium using nano zerovalent iron supported by nonmagnetic olivine (NZVI@NMO). KSEE 2022 Fall Conference, Jeju Shinwha World, Korea, November 8-11, 2022. 

[75] 이정호; 배성준 화력발전소 석탄 비산재를 재활용하여 제올라이트 합성 개발연구. KSEE 2022 Fall Conference, Jeju Shinwha World, Korea, November 8-11, 2022. 

[74] 윤선호; 배성준 아스코르브산을 이용한 바이오차 비드 흡착제 개발, KSWM 2022 Spring Conference, Sono Calm Jeju, Korea, May 11-13, 2022.

[73] 윤선호; 배성준 비타민으로 개질 된 마그네타이트를 이용한 6가 크롬 제거. KOSSGE 2022 Spring conference, Booyoung hotel Jeju, Korea, April 27-29, 2022.

[72] 최민희; 배성준 다양한 알칼리 전처리 천연 제올라이트에 지지된 나노 영가철 정화소재를 이용한 6가크롬 제거 연구. KOSSGE 2022 Spring conference, Booyoung hotel Jeju, Korea, April 27-29, 2022.

[71] 배성준 고형폐자원을 이용한 새로운 환경정화소재 개발. KICHE 2022 Spring conference, JEJU ICC, Korea, April 20-22, 2022.

[70] Reddy, A. K.; 배성준 Delocalization of charges at the heterojunction of NiCo2S4@SnS2 hybrid for improved electrochemical kinetics and enhanced supercapacitor performance. KCS 2022 Spring Conference, JEJU ICC, Korea, April 13-15, 2022.

[69] 최민희; 배성준; 윤선호; 정주은; 신서연전처리된 천연제올라이트를 지지체로 사용한 나노영가철@제올라이트를 이용한 박스형 반응기 내 6가 크롬 제거 연구. KSEE 2021 Fall Conference, Jeju Shinwha World, Korea, November 03-05, 2021.

[68] 윤선호; 배성준; 장은진; 정주은; 사친드리쿠마르레이. 생물유래 리간드를 결합한 커피 바이오차 흡착제 개발연구. KSEE 2021 Fall Conference, Jeju Shinwha World, Korea, November 03-05, 2021.

[67] Reddy, A. K. ; 배성준; 최민희; 윤선호; 신재관; 전강민. 천연제올라이트를 지지체로 사용한 Ni/Fe 이중금속 촉매의 개발 및 이를 이용한 트리클로로에틸렌의 환원적 탈 염소. KSEE 2021 Fall Conference, Jeju Shinwha World, Korea, November 03-05, 2021. 

[66] 손영균; 황유훈; 김유경; 김태현; 서주원; 배성준. 지하수 내 6가 크롬 저감을 위한 천연광물 기반 in-situ 확산억제제 개발 및 적용. KSEE 2021 Fall Conference, Jeju Shinwha World, Korea, November 03-05, 2021. 

[65] 신재관; 전강민; 곽진우; 김상원; 손창길; 이용구; 윤선호; 배성준. 제강슬래그가 담지된 커피박 바이오차를 통한 인산염 이온의 높은 선택적 회수. KSEE 2021 Fall Conference, Jeju Shinwha World, Korea, November 03-05, 2021. 

[64Choi, M.Yoon, S.; Bae, S. Application of novel Pd-In bimetallic catalyst supported by kaolin-derived zeolite for nitrate removal in real groundwater,  KCS 2021 Spring Conference, Suwon Convention Center, April 21-23, 2021.

[63Jung, J.; Yoon, S.; Bae, S. Optimization of Fenton oxidation of methyl orange by olivine/hydroxylamine/ hydrogen peroxide system,  KCS 2021 Spring Conference, Suwon Convention Center, April 21-23, 2021.

[62Yoon, S.; Choi, M.; Bae, S. Removal of hexavalent chromium by nanoscale zerovalent iron supported by natural zeolite (NZVI@Zeloite),  KCS 2021 Spring Conference, Suwon Convention Center, April 21-23, 2021.

[61Yoon, S.; Choi, M.; Reddy, A. K. ; Bae, S. Si-Al 토양광물을 이용한 고효율/고이동성 토양/지하수 정화소재 개발, KOSSGE 2021 Spring conference, The K hotel Gyeongju, Korea, April 22-23, 2021.

[60] Bae, S. KSCT 2021 Spring  meeting and international symposium, e-Conference, Korea, March 24-26, 2021. 

[59] Lee, J.Jung, J.Han, J.; Kim J.Bae, S. 천연광물과 hydroxylamine을 이용한 메틸오렌지의 펜톤 산화 최적화 연구. KSEE 2020 Fall Conference, Jeju Shinwha World, Korea, November 11-13, 2020. 

[58] Kang, Y.Yoon, S.; Bae, S. 나노영가철@석탄바닥재 유래 제올라이트의 합성과 이를 이용한 6가크롬의 제거 연구. KSEE 2020 Fall Conference, Jeju Shinwha World, Korea, November 11-13, 2020. 

[57] Choi, M.; Shin, S.; Bae, S. 천연 장석에 지지된 나노영가철에 의한 트리클로로에틸렌의 환원적 탈염소화 연구. KSEE 2020 Fall Conference, Jeju Shinwha World, Korea, November 11-13, 2020. 

[57] Yoon, S.; Bae, S. 천연 제올라이트로 지지된 나노영가 철을 이용한 6가 크롬 제거. KSEE 2020 Fall Conference, Jeju Shinwha World, Korea, November 11-13, 2020. 

[56Yoon, S.Bae, S. Novel synthesis of NZVI from fly ash for oxidative degradation of methyl orange, KCS 2020 Winter Symposium, Division of Environmental & Energy, Hongchen, Korea, February 6-7, 2020.

[55] Yoon, S.Bae, S. 비타민 C가 코팅 된 자성 철함유광물을 이용한 6가 크롬 제거. KSEE 2019 Fall Conference, Busan

BEXCO, Korea, December 11-13, 2019. 

[54] Yoon, S.Bae, S. 전 처리 한 제강슬래그를 서포터로 이용한 자성구리촉매의 개발. KSEE 2019 Fall Conference, Busan

BEXCO, Korea, December 11-13, 2019. 

[53] Kim, J.Yoon, S.Choi, M.; Bae, S. 도금폐수의 구리회수를 위한 파일럿 규모 전해추출 시스템 개발. KSEE 2019 Fall Conference, Busan BEXCO, Korea, December 11-13, 2019. 

[52] Choi, M.; Bae, S. 선택적 질산염 환원을 위한 점토광물로부터 합성된 제올라이트 지지체를 이용한 In-Pd 이중촉매 개발KSEE 2019 Fall Conference, Busan BEXCO, Korea, December 11-13, 2019. 

[51Yoon, S.; Bae, S. Development of magnetically separable Cu catalyst supported by steel slag for p-nitrophenol reductionKCS 2019 Fall Conference, Changwon CECO, October 16-18, 2019.

[50Yoon, S.; Bae, S. 아스코르빈산이 코팅된 자철석을 이용한 6가 크롬의 제거, KSEE 2019 TARGET Conference, Aju University in Suwon, Korea, June 27-28, 2019.

[49Kim, J.; Bae, S. 적토와 산화제를 이용한 광촉매적 염료제거 연구, KSEE 2019 TARGET Conference, Aju University in Suwon, Korea, June 27-28, 2019.

[48] Choi, M.; Bae, S. 카올리나이트로부터 합성된 제올라이트 지지체를 이용한 In-Pd 금속 이중촉매 개발 및 이를 이용한 선택적 질산염 환원연구, KSEE 2019 TARGET Conference, Aju University in Suwon, Korea, June 27-28, 2019.

[47Park, J.; Bae, S. Enhanced catalytic nitrate reduction by bimetallic catalysts supported by fly ash induced zeolites, KSEE 2019 TARGET Conference, Aju University in Suwon, Korea, June 27-28, 2019.

[46Kim, J.; Bae, S. Red mud induced photocatalysis in the presence of peroxides. KCS 2019 Spring Conference, Suwon Convention Center, April 17-19, 2019.

[45Yoon, S.; Park, J.Kim, M.S.Bae, S. Synthesis of coal fly ash induced materials for wastewater treatment, KCS 2019 Winter Symposium, Division of Environmental & Energy, Hongchen, Korea, February 8, 2019.

[44] Bae, S. Development of novel environmental materials using coal fly ash. KSEE 2018 TARGET Conference, Konkuk University in Seoul, Korea, June 28-29, 2018.

[43] Bae, S.; Park, J. Synthesis of novel zeolite from coal fly ash and its application to removal of environmental pollutant, KSWM 2018 Spring Conference, POSCO in Gwangyang, Korea, May 10-11, 2018.

[42Park, J.; Bae, S. Development of novel environmental catalysts using coal fly ash, KSWM 2018 Spring Conference, POSCO in Gwangyang, Korea, May 10-11, 2018.

[41Kim, J.; Bae, S. Development of Ir,Ru/Ti electrode for high efficiency of Cu electrowinning, 2018  Joint Conference of KSWE & KSWW, Ilsan KINTEX, March 22-23, 2018.

[40Park, J.; Bae, S. Synthesis of Pd catalyst using coal fly ash, KSEE 2017 Fall Conference, JEJU ICC, Korea, November 15-17, 2017.

[39Yoon, S.; Bae, S. Novel synthesis method for nanoscale zerovalent iron from coal fly ash, KSEE 2017 Fall Conference, JEJU ICC, Korea, November 15-17, 2017.

[38Kim, J.; Yoon, S.; Park, J.; Kim, M.S.; Bae, S. Development of Ir,Ru/Ti electrode for high efficiency of electrowinning from metal plating wastewater, KSEE 2017 Fall Conference, JEJU ICC, Korea, November 15-17, 2017.

[37Bae, S. Microbial reduction of Fe(III) minerals and its application to reductive dechlorination of chlorinated organic. KOSSGE 2017 Spring conference, JEJU Buyoung Resort, October 19-20, 2017.

[36Park, J.; Bae, S. Enhanced catalytic reduction of p-nitrophenol as recyclable catalyst. KCS 2017 Fall Conference,Kimdaejung Convention Center, October 18-20, 2017.

[35Bae, S. Environmental application of Fe materials, KOSSGE 2017 Spring conference, Seoul National University, Seoul, May 18-20, 2017.

[34Park, J.; Bae, S. Catalytic removal of p-nitrophenol by water treated coal fly ash. KCS 2017 Spring Conference, Ilsan KINTEX, April 19-21, 2017.

[33Bae, S.; Choi, S.Y.; Kweon, J.H.; Park, K.Y. Electrochemical method for selective removal of nitrate in wastewater. KSWW & KSWE 2016 Fall Meeting (Forum), aT Center Seoul, November 03, 2016.

[32Bae, S. Catalytic reduction of p-nitrophenol by Fe containing materials. KSIEC 2016 Fall Meeting, ICC JEJU, October 26-28, 2016.

[31Bae, S. Catalytic reduction of p-nitrophenol by Fe based materials. KCS 2016 Spring Conference, Ilsan KINTEX, April 20-22, 2016.

[30Hamid, S.; Jung. S.; Bae, S.; Lee. W.,  Effect of metal ratios on catalytic nitrate reduction by Pd-Cu bimetallic catalyst supported by NZVI during continuous batch experiments. KCS 2014 Spring Conference, Ilsan KINTEX, April 16-18, 2014.

[29Lee, N.; Jeon, K.; Bae, S.; Kim, H.; Lee, W., Experimental and theoretical research for reductive dechlorination of carbon tetrachloride by vivianite, KCS 2014 Spring Conference, Ilsan KINTEX, April 16-18, 2014.

[28Bae, S.; Jung. J.; Lee, W. Effect of calcination temperature and organic buffer on the catalytic nitrate reduction by Pd-Cu/TiO2 catalyst, KCS 2013 Fall Conference, Changwon CECO, October 16-18, 2013.

[27Chang. D.; Jung. S.; Bae, S.; Lee, W. Continuous catalytic nitrate reduction by bimetallic Pd-Cu/nZVI catalyst, KCS 2013 Fall Conference, Changwon CECO, October 16-18, 2013.

[26Bae, S.; Lee. W. Preservation of NZVI reactivity by natural electron transfer mediator for reductive degradation of chlorinated organic, KCS 2013 Spring Conference, Ilsan KINTEX, April 17-19, 2013.

[25Jung. S.; Bae, S.; Lee. W. Catalytic nitrate reduction by bimetallic Pd-Cu catalysts supported on hematite (α-Fe2O3), KCS 2013 Spring Conference, Ilsan KINTEX, April 17-19, 2013.

[24Jung. S.; Bae, S.; Lee. W. Catalytic nitrate reduction by bimetallic TiO2/Pd/Cu with formic acid,  KCS 2013 Spring Conference, Ilsan KINTEX, April 17-19, 2013.

[23Lee, Y.; Bae, S.; Lee, W. Application of in-situ remediation technology at contaminated site by RDX in military site, KOSSGE 2013 Spring conference, Hanhwa resort, Jeju, April 10-12, 2013. 

[22Jung. S.; Bae, S.; Lee. W. Removal efficiency and N2 selectivity during nitrate reduction by different Pd-Cu bimetallic catalysts, KOSSGE 2013 Spring conference, Hanhwa resort, Jeju, April 10-12, 2013.

[21Jung. S.; Bae, S.; Lee. W. Nitrate reduction by bimetallic Pd-Cu catalyst supported on iron soil mineral, KCS 2012 Fall Conference, Busan BEXCO, October 17-19, 2012.

[20Bae, S.; Kim, D.; Lee, W. Mechanistic study on oxidation of diclofenac by iron sulfide mineral catalyzed Fenton reaction, KCS 2012 Fall Conference, Busan BEXCO, October 17-19, 2012.

[19Jung. S.; Bae, S.; Lee. W. Removal efficiency and N2 selectivity during nitrate reduction by Hemtatite-Pd-Cu catalysts. KOSSGE 2012 Fall Conference, Iksan Chonbuk National University, October 11-12, 2012.

[18Cho. C.; Bae. S.; Lee, W. Degradation of RDX by biologically reduced lepidocrocite and shooting range soil, KOSSGE 2012 Fall Conference, Iksan Chonbuk National University, October 11-12, 2012.

[17Jung, J.; Bae, S.; Jung. S.; Lee, W. Effect of pH during catalytic nitrate reduction by TiO2-Pd-Cu, KOSSGE 2012 Fall Conference, Iksan Chonbuk National University, October 11-12, 2012.

[16Jung, J.; Bae, S.; Lee, W. Reaction mechanism study in catalytic nitrate reduction with maghemite supported bimetallic catalyst, KCS 2012 Spring Conference, Ilsan KINTEX, April 25-27, 2012.

[15Bae, S.; Mannan, M. B.; Lee, W. Behavior of cationic cetylpyridinium chloride adsorption on pyrite surface in variety of pH ranges, KCS 2012 Spring Conference, Ilsan KINTEX, April 25-27, 2012.

[14Cho. C.; Bae. S.; Lee, W. Reductive degradation of RDX by bio-reduced iron bearing soil minerals, KOSSGE 2012 Spring Conference, Seoul Sejong University, April 12-13, 2012.  

[13Jung, J.; Bae, S.; Lee, W. Nitrate reduction by maghemite supported Cu-Pd bimetallic catalyst, KOSSGE 2012 Spring Conference, Seoul Sejong University, April 12-13, 2012.

[12Jung, J.; Bae, S.; Lee, W. Evaluation of NZVI support with bimetallic catalyst in nitrate reduction, KOSSGE 2011 KIGAM, October 13-14, 2011.

[11Jung, J.; Bae, S.; Lee, W.  The effect of particle dispersion in bimetallic catalyst with nZVI support on nitrate removal and selectivity, KCS 2011 DCC, September 29-30, 2011.

[10Jung, J.; Bae, S.; Lee, W. Indirect contact bio-transformation of lepidocrocite and the role of electron transfer mediator, KCS 2011 Jeju ICC, April 28-29, 2011.

[09Bae, S.; Jung, J.; Lee, W. The effect of electron transfer mediator on the transformation of biogenic soil minerals, KCS 2011, Jeju ICC, April 28-29, 2011.

[08Won, S.; Bae, S.; Lee, W. Degradation of diclofenac by Pyrite-Fenton reaction, KSEE 2010 Fall Conference, Songdo Convensia Center, December 2-3, 2010.

[07Bae, S.; Lee, W. Microbial reduction of iron-bearing soil minerals and its application on the reductive dechlorination of carbon tetrachloride, KSEE 2010 Fall Conference, Songdo Convensia Center,  December  2-3, 2010.

[06Bae, S.; Lee, W. Effect of environmental factors on biotransformation of lepidocrocite by iron-reducing bacteria, KSCE 2010 Fall Conference, Songdo Convensia Center,  October  20-22, 2010.

[05Bae, S.; Lee, W. Microbial reduction of ion-bearing soil minerals and mineral transformation, KSEE 2010 Spring Conference, Jeju International Convention Center, May 6-7, 2010.

[04Bae, S.; Lee, W. Degradation of 1,1,1-TCA and PCE by biogenic Fe(II) produced from iron-reducing bacteria, KCS 2010 Spring Conference, Songdo Convensia Center, April  29-30, 2010

[03Bae, S.; Lee, W. Reductive degradation of chlorinated organics by interaction of iron-bearing soil minerals and iron-reducing bacteria, KSEE 2009 Fall Conference, Kimdaejung Convention Center, November 5-6, 2009.

[02Bae, S.; Lee, W. Inhibition effect of magnetite on NZVI reactivity during reductive degradation of 1,1,1-TCA, Kossge 2009 Spring meeting, April 17, 2009.

[01Bae, S.; Lee, W. Effect of magnetite on NZVI reactivity, Korean Society of Environmental Engineers Fall Meeting, Univ. of  Seoul., Korea, November 6-7, 2008.

RM.802-1, New College of Engineering Building, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Konkuk University, 120 Neungdong-ro, Gwangjin-gu, Seoul 05029, Republic of Korea

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