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Invited Talks                                                            

[26Bae, S. 다양한 고도처리 공정을 이용한 미량오염물질 제거 소개, Parnas Hotel Jeju, Jeju, Korea, October 28, 2022.

[25Bae, S. 1) Fabrication of Ti/Ir-Ru electrode for recovery of Cu and Ni by electrowinning and 2) Upcycling of solid wastes for wastewater treatment, ChonNam National University, Gwangju, Korea, July 31, 2019.

[24Bae, S. Iron and fly ash chemistry for environmental treatments, University of Seoul, Seoul, Korea, May 30, 2019.

[23Bae, S. Transforming coal fly ash to value-added materials, SEOULTECH, Seoul, Korea, November 09, 2018.

[22Bae, S. 방사성핵종의 환경제어기술 개발, Sejong University, Seoul, Korea, September 28, 2018.

[21Bae, S. Oxidative degradation of organic pollutants by FeS2 catalyzed Fenton reaction, Korea Military Academy, Seoul, Korea, July 26, 2018.

[20Bae, S. Fe-based materials for environmental applications, Sejong University, Seoul, Korea, June 1, 2018.

[19Bae, S. Formation of biogenic Fe minerals and its application for decontamination, Environmental Biotechnology Workshop (Korea-France Workshop), Incheon, Korea, October 10, 2017.

[18Bae, S.; Lee, W. FeS2 catalyzed Fenton reaction for removal of organic pollutants, 4th Frontiers in Environmental Chemical Research: AOPs in Water Treatment, POSTECH, Korea, August 28, 2017.

[17Bae, S. Fe applications to environmental and engineered environments, Seminar at UNIST, Ulsan, Korea, June 02, 2017.

[16Bae, S. Fe chemistry and its application on environmental engineering, Korea Military Academy, Seoul, Korea, April 26, 2017.

[15Bae, S. Role of flavins on microbial mineral transformation and NZVI reactivity, KCS 2017 Winter Symposium, Environmental Energy, Hongchen, Korea, February 8, 2017.

[14Bae, S. Remediation of contaminated soil and groundwater and water treatment process using Fe minerals, Research Seminar at LH research center, Daejeon, Korea, October 24, 2016.

[13Bae, S. Effect of electron shuttle on biotic and abiotic reactions, Research Seminar at Inha University, Incheon, Korea, September 26, 2016.

[12Bae, S. Catalytic properties of polycrystalline magnetite, Research Seminar at KAIST, Daejeon, Korea, September 07, 2016.

[11Bae, S. Application of Fe containing materials to resolve a variety of environmental problems, The built environment Department, SungKyunKwan University, Korea, July 07, 2016.

[10Bae, S. Effect of magnetite stoichiometry on reduction mechanism of Ca-U(VI)-CO3 complex, KAIST-KIT BioFeRad Project Workshop, at KAIST, Daejeon, Korea, January 26, 2016.

[09Bae, S. Reduction of p-nitrophenol by nanoscale zero-valent iron and magnetite, Seminar for Institute for Nuclear Waste Disposal, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany, May 27, 2015.

[08Lee, W.; Bae, S.; Jung S. Selective transformation of nitrate by bimetallic catalysts supported by iron oxides. Frontiers in Environmental Chemical Research, POSTECH, Korea, May 19, 2015.

[07Bae, S. Reduction of 4-nitrophenol (p-nitrophenol) by nanoscale zero-valent iron, Research Seminar at KAIST, Daejeon, Korea, February 11, 2015.

[06Bae, S.; Jung, S.; Lee, W. Catalytic nitrate reduction by Fe2O3 supported Pd-Cu bimetallic Catalysts, Invited Presentation in Environmental Chemistry Division Symposium, 2014 ACS Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, August 13, 2014. 

[05Bae, S. Effect of riboflavin on nanoscale zero-valent iron reactivity during repeated degradation of carbon tetrachloride, KCS_Environmental-Energy Division_2014 winter symposium, KAIST, Seoul, Korea, January 22-23, 2014.

[04Bae, S. Biotransformation of Fe(III)-containing minerals and its effect on contaminant degradation, KCS 2013 Fall Conference, CECO, Changwon, Korea, October 17, 2013.

[03Bae, S.; Lee, W. Water treatment using Fe containing minerals and their reaction mechanisms based on surface analysis, KOFAS 2013 Conference, Ilsan KINTEX, Korea, May 29-31, 2013.

[02Bae, S. Treatments of chlorinated organics and nitrate using iron-containing minerals, Daegu University, Daegu, Korea, June 04, 2013.

[01Bae, S.; Lee. W. Degradation of diclofenac by pyrite-Fenton. KAIST-Korea Military Academy Co-work seminar, Seoul, Korea, December 10, 2010.

RM.802-1, New College of Engineering Building, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Konkuk University, 120 Neungdong-ro, Gwangjin-gu, Seoul 05029, Republic of Korea

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