Contact us: bsj1003@konkuk.ac.kr
Visiting Scholar
Prof. Muthukonda Venkatakrishnan Shankar
Invited Professor by 2024 Brain pool project (2024.11-2026.12)
E-mail: shankarnano@yvu.edu.in
Research Topic: Photocatalysis & H2 production
Research Professor

Dr. Anil Kumar Reddy, Police
PI of 2023년도 창의/도전연구기반지원사업 (2023.06-2026.05)
"Development of hybrid photocatalysts from solid wastes for simulations hydrogen production and organic pollutant degradation under solar irradiation"
E-mail: reddyanilkumar3@gmail.com
Research Topic: Synthesis of environmental and energy materials

Dr. Sunho, Yoon (윤선호)
PI of 2025년도 세종과학펠로우십 (국내트랙) (2025.03-2030.02)
"Degradation Mechanisms for PFAS and Its Alternatives via Integration of Waste-Derived Porous Materials and Low-Temperature Plasma Technology"
Education: PhD in Dept. of Environ. Eng., Konkuk Univ. (2024)
B.S. in Dept. of Environ. Eng., Konkuk Univ. (2018)
E-mail: ysh3051@gmail.com
Research Topic: Upcycling of solid wastes for environmental applications
Graduate Students
Ph.D. Candidates

Minhee, Choi (최민희)
Degree Course: Integrated M.S. & Ph.D. Candidate (Since 2019)
Education: B.S. in Dept. of Environ. Biotech Eng., Hallym Univ. (2018)
E-mail: iceage1019@gmail.com
Research Topic: Soil and groundwater remediation by modified zeolite-based materials
Degree Course: Ph.D. Candidate (Since 2023)
Education: M.S. in . Environment and Resource, South-Central Minzu University (2023)
B.S. in Geographic Information Science, Wuhan University of technology (2020)
E-mail: wuduanyang.elina@qq.com
Research Topic:

Duanyang, Wu

Jungho, Lee (이정호)
Degree Course: Integrated M.S. & Ph.D. Candidate (Since 2022)
Education: B.S. in Dept. of Environ. Eng., Konkuk Univ. (2022)
E-mail: dlwdgh135@naver.com
Research Topic: Zeolite synthesis from solid wastes for air treatment
M.S Candidates

Hanwool, Yoon (윤한울)
Degree Course: M.S. Candidate (Since 2023)
Education: B.S. in Dept. of Environ. Eng., Konkuk Univ. (2023)
E-mail: william1014@naver.com
Research Topic: Synthesis of environmental and energy materials
Chaeeun, Lee (이채은)
Degree Course: M.S. Candidate (Since 2024)
Education: B.S. in Dept. of Environ. Eng., Myongji Univ. (2024)
E-mail: codms1074@naver.com
Research Topic: Photocatalysis for energy production

Soomin, Lee (이수민)
Degree Course: M.S. Candidate (Since 2024)
Education: B.S. in Dept. of Environ. Eng., Kumoh National Institute of Technolngy (2024)
E-mail: leesoomin1002@naver.com
Research Topic: PFAS adsorption by novel materials

Seoyeon, Shin (신서연)
Education: B.S. in Dept. of Genetic. Eng., Sung Kyun Kwan Univ. (2006)
E-mail: jejeshin1028@gmail.com
Research Topic: Development of analytical mehods
Undergraduate Students